Oen Choennah & Co (OCH) understands the complex nature of starting a new business including timelines, costs and legal concerns that are inherent in this process.  Our business advisory team will assist the business to navigate through the numerous business and legal matters required in starting a business. Whether you are starting a sole-proprietorship, partnership, corporation or any other form of entity Oen Choennah & Co (OCH) can provide the advice and assistance.

Oen Choennah & Co (OCH) will help you to understand the advantages and drawbacks of the various types of business entities, and ensuring that your business is built on a solid legal foundation.

Business Plan

Prepare Initial Business Plan that covers amongst others the marketing, management, and financial goals.

Business Structure

Select a business structure that best fits to your needs by evaluating taxes, legal exposure, regulations conformity, operational potential issues as well as exit plan.


Develop a Partnership Agreement that accurately reflects expectations, defines roles, and sets guidelines for resolving any disputes that may arise.

Implement Programs

Implement benefit programs, employee incentive programs, employment and management guidelines, and a comprehensive financial plan to meet your ongoing and changing needs.

Comply with Prevailing Laws

Comply with employment laws, zoning laws, tax laws, and any other statute or regulation that affect and relevant to your business.


Negotiate on behalf of the client such as during the process of mergers and acquisitions, complex contracts, resolutions to disputes and others.

Internal Procedures

Establish Procedures for regulatory compliance, billing, collection, management, and evaluation of the business.


Identify your financial and insurance needs, your employees particular needs, and any obstacle that may stand in the way of your business success. In addition, as various markets sector offer very different investment opportunities, our services address the suitability of an investment, analyzing the differing legal and tax incentives.

Risk Mitigation

Recognize the potential compliance issues, management and employment conflicts, and any other potential risk exposures to the business. This pre-emptive act is required so that the business is able to avoid the conflicts before they arise, or mitigate should the conflict arises.


Empower your business to grow, through our local knowledge, database, connections, support, and experience and proven qualified team members.

Tax and Accounting
