Every corporate transactions or deals are different. The differences depends on many factors, such as the type of industry, method of the transaction, regulation and others. Oen Choennah & Co (OCH) has advice it's clients in this area ranging from multinational corporations, investment banks, privately-held companies (small and medium scale businesses), regulatory bodies and the government.
Oen Choennah & Co (OCH) portfolio involves amongst others: Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) and Restructuring. Oen Choennah & Co (OCH) and its associates may assist the client to list their business in the stock exchanges, raising the funds from banks, private equity and venture capital where appropriate. Oen Choennah & Co (OCH) conduct the deal or transaction through multiple stages such as preparing the drequired raft documents, conducting legal due diligence, assisting financial due diligence through our associates, assisting the through process with the regulatory bodies and assisting in the negotiation process.